Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!!  The weather wasn't too great around here but we made the most of it.  It was rainy and only about 55 degrees on Saturday and about 65 degrees on Easter Sunday but the wind made it feel a lot colder! 
I have to warn you this post is going to be picture overload so be prepared. ;)  First, I have to share pictures of my parents' newly made-over kitchen.  It's absolutely beautiful!!

On Saturday my mom, Luke and I went to the movie theatre to watch "Heaven if for Real".  My mom and I read the book and it was such a sweet and amazing book.  The movie was really good but there were several things in the movie that were very different from the book.  I'm still really glad we went to see it though and I'll definitely watch it again.
This is my mom and me in the theatre before the previews started.
When we got back to my parents' house after the movie, my dad started cooking some delicious shrimp and hushpuppies for dinner.
After dinner, Luke and I took over my parents' kitchen and started preparing some of the food for Easter dinner.  We made a pineapple casserole to go with the ham and I also made a sweet potato casserole.  I'll share these recipes with you later this week. :)

The Easter Bunny always comes to my parents' house and these are the goodies he left for Luke and me and my brother and his wife and their children.
We had Easter dinner at my parents' cabin which is behind their house.
This was the spread for Easter dinner...ham, pineapple casserole, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, coleslaw, potato salad, baked beans and my mom's wonderful homemade sourdough bread.  There's nothing like homemade bread!
My mom made strawberry and lemon cake pops.  Actually they're more like cake balls because they're not on a stick but they are super yummy!!!
My niece and nephew had a blast with their Easter egg hunt.  My brother and sister-in-law actually had to hide the eggs twice because once just wasn't enough for the kids. :)
My dad had to help my niece a little bit. ;)
We didn't take Izzy's Easter gift with us so she had to wait until we got back home to get it.  I also kind of teased her with it while we took pictures of her and the new toy but she forgave me.  She was about to have a fit to play with it. :)
I hope you all had a great weekend too!!!


Unknown said...

Those are wonderful pictures! I love them all!



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